Why are baby teeth so important if they just fall out?

Primary teeth, or baby teeth, are vital for a wide variety of reasons. These teeth help your child chew on a daily basis and provide proper structure as their jaw and permanent teeth develop. A missing or damaged baby tooth could begin a whole string of dental problems for your child in the future.

When should my child first visit the dentist?

On average, children should have their first dental appointment by their 1st birthday, or around 6 months after their first tooth comes in. Coming in this early helps promote the healthy development of your child’s teeth from the very beginning, as well as promotes a good relationship with the dentist.

How does pediatric dentistry differ from regular dentistry?

Pediatric dentists specialize in the treatment of children from infancy through their teen years. During these essential stages of growth, teeth and gums need slightly varied forms of care and maintenance that may differ than that of adults. That’s why there are many specialized forms of common dental procedures that are directed towards children, such as a Pulpotomy.

Can I accompany my child during their treatment?

In most cases, yes! Some children do better with their parents nearby while others are more comfortable with them out in the reception area. Be advised that some procedures may not allow for a parent to accompany their child, so please be sure to discuss with the dentist first.

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